Demo Blog

Day 50

by thepilge on Nov.22, 2009, under

So yesterday i woke up with a slightly sore throat. No big right? And then i was soooo tired all morning in class, but i figured its because i skipped my morning coffee right? By the time i got to work i was nauseous... weird but still kinda okay. And by close i was effing exhausted, almost falling over. I went home and passed out without even showering (ewww! dirty hippie!). I could barely wake up this morning and almost skipped class. Yep. Im sick. Again. Can it just be spring now, please? I havent been healthy in a month (ever since i got effing swine flu). Sigh. BUT i listened to the entire Shins album "Wincing the Night Away" during my morning commute and it helped a little. Heres the list:

Friend Is a Four Letter Word - Cake
Is This Love, Or Isn't it? - Jaymay
*Ring Of Fire - Johnny Cash
Fast Forward To 2012 - A Day To Remember
Broken Boy Soldeir (Acoustic) - The Raconteurs
Salt, Pepa, Spinderella - Johnny Foreigner
Kentucky 1800 - Centre County Band 2002
Just What I Needed - The Cars
Love In Plaster - The Hives
Even - Dispatch
In the New Year - The Walkmen
Sea Legs - The Shins
Angel With Attitude - The Ditty Bops
All Around The World - Oasis
Shining Star - Backstreet Boys
I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love - Chicago
Up The Hill Backwards - David Bowie
Closed Captioned Slang - TK Webb & The Visions
*4 Minutes - Madonna feat. Justin Timberlake
*Miss You - The Rolling Stones
Everybody Plays The Fool - Main Ingredient
To Know Her Is To Love Her - The Beatles
Levon - Elton John

Gold Star: "Ring Of Fire" by Johnny Cash. If the lyrics werent enough for it to win the gold, then my love for the film "Walk the Line" put it in the winner's circle (of fire) (hahaha get it? ring of fire? cirlce of fire? im sorry... ill shape up). What makes this song even better is that June Carter wrote the lyrics.

The Taste Of Love Is Sweet
When Hearts Like Ours Meet
I Fell For You Like A Child
Oh,But The Fire Went Wild


Hidden Gem: "Is This Love, Or Isn't it?" by Jaymay. The lyrics are simple and the message obvious. But sometimes its nice to be able to just take a song at face value: to not have to decode the cryptic meaning. She sings this one ligthly and it sounds juvenile in so many ways. But after all, love can turn us all into 14 year olds.

Holy awesomeness Batman! Award: "Love In Plaster" by The Hives. This is a first time listen for me on this track and i love it! I really believe Pelle when he belts out these lyrics:

I really thought
That we had something moving faster
Than love in plaster.
I really thought
That we had something growing stronger
But it grew no longer.
I thought this time...

I really thought
That we had something set in motion
More than foul devotion.
I really thought
That we had something out of the ordinary
More than stationary.
I thought this time...
What we had you and I!

Said I'm losing my mind
Yeah I got bit all the time
And I'm better off dead
Cause it was all in my head
Now it's all lost
It's all gone
Don't I know it

I really thought
That we had some-thing...More than a...
I really thought
That we had something more than a violation
Of my imagination
I thought this time...
What we had you and I

Said I'm losing my mind
Yeah I got bit all the time
And I'm better off dead
Cause it was all in my head
Now it's all lost
It's all gone
Don't I know it

And I'm better off dead!!!

I really thought it could work out
I learned it couldn't cos somehow
We couldn't get along..We wouldn't get along
A little something on the side
Would make you feel more worthwhile
You think..I won't be couldn't be more wrong.
I thought this time..
What we had
You and I

Said I'm losing my mind
Yeah I got bit all the time
And I'm better off dead
Cause it was all in my head

Now it's all lost
And it's all gone!
Don't I know it.

Yes, thats the entire song. I felt like it was all too good to deny you the opportunity to read them yourself. Download this if you are bitter towards love and are into fast paced alt rock like The Vines and The Arctic Monkeys.

Pelle Almqvist of the Hives

Reminds me of the L Word song of the day: "Angel With Attitude" by The Ditty Bops. The Ditty Bops are a couple in love who sing these tightly harmonized acoustic guitar songs that blow me away. They were featured on an episode in season 4 titled "Lacy Lilting Lyrics" (yes that was from memory, thank you very much). It was when i first heard them. Check it out.

i LOVE marina.

Back to the song. Here is the opening lyrics to "Angel with Attitude" which i love, because my favorite color is red. Ego maniacal, i know.

Contrary to popular opinion
The very best things in life are for free
Through a practice that I call donation
I get the things I want quite easily
I got a chip on my shoulder
And a halo on my head
I'm an angel with an attitude
And my favorite color's red
I got god on my side
Who's that? Hell, I don't know
But I practice my religion
While I'm stepping on your toes

Unnecessarily long song of the day: "All Around The World" by Oasis. The album version of this song is 9:20 in length. NOT OKAY. Not needed. We get it, spread the word around the world. Okay cool. I got the message after 3 minutes. Can we please be done? sigh. I hate the rules of the resolution, the ones that say i have to listen to each song in its entirety. Lame.

OH EM GEE! ITS BSB! award" "Shining Star" by Backstreet Boys. I got so effing excited during the first 5 seconds of this song and wanted to let out a girlish scream. I have no idea why. It was a strong sudden urge and i almost gave in. I think it has some subliminal shit going on in the back beats or something. Its crazy.

Great song to whistle song of the day: "Miss You" by The Rolling Stones.

Dance my ASS off award!!! "4 Minutes" by Madonna feat. Justin Timberlake. Am I the only one who wants these two to like, get married? Can you even imagine the wedding extravaganza? Not to mention how talented the children would be. Except like one of them, they would end up an accountant. The democratic science loving Mary Ann Seltzer, if you will (inside joke to PO grads, dont worry if you dont understand)

Perfect timing award: "Levon: by Elton John. So the last song of my playlist and im listening to it walking to Calculus. I turn it off right as class starts and jot down my fav lyrics from it:

Jesus blows up balloons all day
Sits on the porch swing watching them fly
And Jesus, he wants to go to Venus
Leaving Levon far behind
Take a balloon and go sailing
While Levon, Levon slowly dies

(Levon's kid is named Jesus, its not like, JESUS Jesus)

So i write this down and class starts. The first sample problem we do today? "We have some balloon that a kid let go, rising up at 5 ft/sec...." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! hahahah it was a rate of change problem using implicit differentiation, but balloon themed. I think i love life, i really think i do.

Completely random story that is unrelated to music, this blog, or anything anyone probably actually cares about time: So we used to have a server at our restaurant (the 1921 Restaurant in the historic Philips Hotel - come in and enjoy Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner 7 days a week!) (that was for you faith) (she is my boss) (anyway....) called Wanda. (does anyone remember the first part of that sentence before all the parenthesis?) (i didnt think so). She was (im out of control, ill stop now) really small in stature and we all kind of pointed it out, a lot. So one day we got a giant bag of panko bread crumbs from sysco. I noticed that the bag was about as big as Wanda, so i drew a stick figure caricature of her on in and titled it "Wanda 2." It had a little bowtie and everything. She cracked up and we all thought it was hilarious. So then the next bag got a stick figure once again with "Wanda 3" written in huge letters. This has continued to go one even though she doesnt work there anymore. We are currently on "Wanda 7" and should be onto "Wanda 8" shortly. Whenever anyone we need breadcrumbs we ask if somene will go get us some wanda, or say "i think i need some wanda" or "has anyone seen wanda 7?" hahaaahahah. Its why i love working in kitchens.

More to come tomorrow.

Songs Left: 7,335
Days to Go: 315
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