Demo Blog

Day 76

by thepilge on Nov.22, 2009, under

This one is a few days late, i know and apologize. Idol Recap Blog on facebook kicked my ass. Sigh. I listened to the songs like i was supposed to, but never got around to posting since i wanted to give it more effort than i had time for. Sooooo here it is, late but better than a quickie (thats what she said):

*Summer Love - Justin Timberlake
Love Ridden - Fiona Apple
*Bailamos - Enrique Iglesias
I Liked You Better When You Hated Yourself - The Badlees
In My Place - Coldplay
Redemption Day - Sheryl Crow
Rebel Rebel - David Bowie
Din Raat - B21
Honey Pie - The Beatles
When the World Was Round - Ian Hunter
Crossed Out Name - Ryan Adams
Communication - G. Love & Special Sauce
Ain't It The Life - Foo Fighters
*Playground Love - Air
The Mother - Xavier Rudd
Bang Bang - Dispatch
Head Up - Casual Fiasco
I Will - The Beatles
Sole Survivor - Asia
Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) - Backstreet Boys
Back On Line - INXS
I'm Into Something Good - The Bird & The Bee
Tyrant - The Bravery

Break Up song of the day: "Love Ridden" by Fiona Apple. I love this one even more because it is not the typical "bye im gonna miss you" break up song. She is an amazing songwriter.

Nobody sees when you are lying in your bed
And I wanna crawl in with you
But I cry instead
I want your warm, but it will only make
Me colder when it's over,
So I can't tonight, baby
No, not "baby" anymore - if I need you
I'll just use your simple name
Only kisses on the cheek from now on
And in a little while, we'll only have to wave

Heres a link to the lyrics for the whole song.

Dancing in the hallways award: "Bailamos" by Enrique Iglesias. This was one of the songs i used to play on my iPod during drama practice in high school. Ide sneak off into the halls during my breaks and dance like a maniac. Ide run into the empty bathrooms and swing from the stalls, go back into the hall and leap off of lockers, climb staircases sidestepping and slide down the railings, all while lip syncing Enrique. Nobody ever caught me :)

Fun jam of the day: "Rebel Rebel" by David Bowie. Not too heavy, not too much going on lyrically. Just a catchy song with nice strong rock elements and Bowie's ultra distinguishable vocals. Check it out if you havent heard it before. (PS how glam is he? love it)

LOL song of the day: "I Liked You Better When You Hated Yourself" by The Badlees. This one really grew on me the more times i played it. It tells the story of two friends who used to laze around and bitch about life, something very philipsburgian. One of my favorite past-times is cruising with a friend on back roads doing nothing and going nowhere. But then one of the guys "grows up" and the singer liked him better before. Im posting the whole song cuz its funny and relatable. And mentions tofu. Double word score for that one.

We used to drink our Bacardi
Behind the old school
And bitch about dreams
That would never come true
Then you heard a callin'
That I hadn't felt
I liked you better
When you hated yourself

Now you spend lots of time
At that natural food place
Buyin' fresh blocks of tofu
Just like mom used to make
You kicked your bad habits
You're in perfect health
But I liked you better
When you hated yourself

Change, it came a blowin'
Like we never met
Your inner child and you play games
That I just don't get
Somewhere it's written
That this too shall pass
But lately you've just been
A pain in the ass....

Ask me if I care
Well, I guess I still do
Friends don't come easy
Even assholes like you
And that shrink of yours
She can go straight to hell
I liked you better
When you hated yourself

Last time I saw you
You were on Donahue
Discussing your book
And everything you've been through
Now you've got your glamour
Your fame and your wealth
But I still liked you better
When you hated yourself

Unexpected Beauty award: "Ain't It The Life" by Foo Fighters. This one surprised me. I love the Foo Fighters but havent heard this track before. Its pretty damn tender. You can listen to it here.

Embarrassing song of the day: "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)" by Backstreet Boys. I mean, really? I listened to it twice (duh) but really? Please note that 'With My Heart' is in ( ) parenthesis. Totally necessary. Sigh. Oh you boy bands, the things you do to me.

So this video is totally unrelated to music or anything on this blog. but im posting it cuz this kid is amazing. Will Phillips is the 10 year old who rose to recent fame for refusing to say the pledge of allegiance because gay marriage is not federal law. AKA he is my hero. Here is his acceptance speech for a GLAAD media award:

More Gay Movies & Entertainment News

Gold Star: "Playground Love" by Air. There are so many things to praise about this song. It is like syrup, slow and sweet, but without any of the stickiness. I see sandboxes and handholds, longing glances with knowing grins, long slow walks through the park, stolen kisses under the trees, a slow dance by the pond, and a deep adult passion intertwined with it all, brightened by the contrast to the innocent scenes played out through the song. I love the strong bass beat and orchestral elements with the modern pop feel. This song incorporates classical strings, which is almost a guaranteed win in my book. You NEED to download this one. Trust me.

I'm a high school lover, and you're my favorite flavor
Love is all, all my soul
You're my playground love

Hidden Gem: "I'm Into Something Good" by The Bird & The Bee. AHHH!!!! Ever have a song that comes on and fits the scene perfectly? And it just catalyzes everything you were slowly feeling at a low level, making it explode into a cotton candy cloud of emotion?!?!! THAT is what this song did for me. It was perfect. I walked out into the sunshine and blue sky and cool breeze and just knew that right around the corner, or whistlin down the river, is something good that im coming to. That if i take the effort to actually slow down and open my eyes, i will see im already into something good. something amazing. something that is starting to resemble a life.

More to come tomorrow.

Songs Left: 6.720
Days to Go: 289
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