Demo Blog

Day 27

by thepilge on Nov.22, 2009, under

After yesterday's playlist i was thinking about "Carry That Weight" by the Beatles. So this morning i decided to jam out to Abbey Road on the drive to class. Um, it was basically magical. I started at "I Want You (She's So Heavy)" so i could make it to the end. By the time "She Came In Through The Bathroom Window" played i was BLASTING it and screaming at the top of my lungs. It set me up for a great day, im pretty sure. And looking at the playlist for today i know im in for some good tunes. check it out:

Bail Me Out - Pete Murray
This Protector - The White Stripes
Let Me Go - Melissa Etheridge
Good Love Is On The Way - John Mayer
9.95 - Spunkadelic
Carolina on My Mind - Melanie
*Picture - Kid Rock feat. Sheryl Crow
Leftover Wine - Melanie
Scenes From An Italian Restaurant - Billy Joel
*Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwright
Fall Behind Me - The Donnas
The Jean Genie - David Bowie
Lonely People - Jars Of Clay
Loser - 3 Doors Down
Hey Girl - The Delays
Sister Morphine - The Rolling Stones
Who Will I Be - Mitchie
*Do You Remember - Jack Johnson
Out In The Country - Three Dog Night
*Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt.1 - The Flaming Lips
The Survey: Gay? Straight? - Kathy Griffin
Smash - The Murmurs
Oasis - Amanda Palmer

Hidden Gem: "Bail Me Out" by Pete Murray. Its very Ian to me, AKA Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, John Butler Trio-esc. If you like hoarding loads of chill acoustic songs on your itunes, this is a good one to have.

Cliche Melissa Etheridge Song of the Day: "Let Me Go" by Melissa Etheridge. Sometimes it feels like she has a song on my playlist every day. I was resistant to this track (as i always am with her... i just hate the stereotypical factor i guess) but then i looked up the lyrics. UM. um wow. its something i really can get down with. Very poetic, honest, and relatable (for me anyway, especially this last week...)

Am I the snake inside your garden
The sugar in your tea
The knock upon your back door
The twist that turns your key
Am I the sweat you feel on your head
The shadow on your face
The tune inside your head that put you here in the first place
Well I don't want to be
I don't want to be
I don't want to be your sweet temptation
I don't want to be your new sensation
It's just a delicate distraction
With just a hint of satisfaction
Look me in the eye and let me know
If you can't love me that let me go
Let me go
Let me go

(fed up dirty mistresss of the world UNITE! new theme song!)

TMNT soundtrack award: "9.95" by Spunkadelic. Apparently this was on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie soundtrack? it sounds like a paula abdul song.... i secretly didnt mind it.

bittersweet memories award: "Carolina on My Mind" by Melanie. I was really into the James Taylor version of this song at the end of summer 07. It takes me right back there - music seems to have some of the purest power of transportation. I think ill listen to this one one more time.

Top 100 award: "Picture" by Kid Rock feat. Sheryl Crow. When i ranked my top 200 songs of all time last year (i seriously love music and spend a LOT of time on stupid shit like that list... or this blog...) this song came out at 84. Im gonna rerank the list this year and try to include new favorites. I actually have an idea for a blog about it..... (teaser? you bet).

Okay, i love Melanie for her craziness and all, but two songs of her's in one day is a little much. And its "Leftover Wine," of all things. Its just too much.

Bad ass rocker chicks song of the day: "Fall Behind Me" by The Donnas. I really liked this album when i saw them live (Gold Medal, 2004). But then i lost it and only have a few songs on my library still. hold that thought... (insert jeapordy music here) okay cool, i just downloaded it in a torrent. Problem solved. anyway, its a fun song, good for driving like a maniac and pretending to be tough stuff (two of my fav activities)

(sweet album cover right?)

Gold Star: "Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainwright. Was there any doubt? Heres the download link if you dont have it, its a must have for any library. This is one that can drown you in heartache, but sometimes that is exactly what a hurting heart needs. It makes the eventual oxygen even sweeter.

dont be too excited by the title award: "The Survey: Gay? Straight?" by Kathy Griffin. Its just an audio track from her comedy album of her asking the audience to yell if they are gay, then female, then straight male. See, not as fun as it sounds lol.

Rediscovered Gem: Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt.1 - The Flaming Lips. Its kind of amazing. Like BEYOND. try it out.

funny shit song of the day: "Oasis" by Amanda Palmer. DUDES. this is one you should definately listen to, it is hilarious. The video is fun too. If you are easily offended then you MAY want to skip it. But then, if you are one of those people i dont know why you read this blog. hmmm.

More to come tomorrow.

Songs Left: 7,867
Days to Go: 338
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